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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Bankruptcy Survey - Hype or Truth?

The NACBA Surveys 700 U.S. Bankruptcy Attorneys on Eve of October 17, 2006 Anniversary of Controversial Law Change; Over Nine Out of 10 Say Law Has 'Simply Increased the Costs of Bankruptcy,' With No Benefits. What are your thoughts on this?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't they ask all BK attorneys about this not just their members who are obviously very biased against the new law

10:45 AM

Blogger Carl Starrett said...

So far, the only thing I have seen form the new law is that I am charging more money on my cases. I have twice the work to do and so I charge twice as much.

It has also create a cottage industry with the new debtor education requirements. My clients tell me that the classes aren't that useful.

8:24 PM

Blogger security outlet said...

I want to find retailers who are losing money. I want the worst 50 retailers who are losing money
Mark Fouts

7:30 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My business last year set records for the amount of money collected and the lowest nonpay churn of any year prior. The effect on our business has been phenomenal. Filings have been cut by 60% so you don't have to be a Rhodes scholar to realize that attorneys are unhappy...who cares?

1:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone going to the National Association of Chapter 13 Trustees meeting in August? If so-I'd like to visit with you.

Bob Drummond

4:39 PM

Blogger Ivan Trahan said...

I charge 3 times as much and do 3 times the work. The U.S. Trustee's office has not found any massive plots to defraud, as of yet. It has not stopped the bankruptcy filings, just made it more expensive. Thank you credit card companies.

9:21 AM


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